Thursday, July 28, 2011

A captured moment.

Making and canning my raspberries into jam.

So finally I decided to just jump right into it.  I have been so nervous about canning, I kept putting it off. I organized all of the materials, read the directions four times, then I finally began.  The process was easy once I felt comfortable with it. I did a boiling water bath to seal the jars. I had the wax, but I didn't use it this time. Overall I had one problem and it was a simple one I think.  After filling the jars I put them in the wire rack to lower it into the water and the jars fell over.  This should not be the hardest thing to solve, so I am sure that I can figure it out.  Now I have sealed jars of jam!!!!  It was fun and I was glad that I did it.


My Jam

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The beginning

This year we decided to grow a garden.  Usually we just have  attempt to have pumpkin, and tomato.  This year I did my research and we have five raised beds. We have strawberries, squash, potato, broccoli, radish, carrots, peas, Nasturtiums, tomato, borage, peppers, 2 kinds of beans, cucumbers pumpkin,  and herbs. We also have our wonderful raspberry patch that I will make jam from.  The borage when grown with tomato will deter those huge yucky tomato worms. Borage is also edible.  The raised beds my husband built in the barn during the winter months. We got the design from Maine Cooperative Extension on you tube, very informative.  We have had some errors with trying to grow from seed, we will learn for next year.  My broccoli bolted, I will have to find out why. Overall things look good out there.